Augmented reality trails

Bring digital content to the physical world

MAADIGITAL has created letsARgo, the new home of immersive trails, digital easter egg hunts and more.

Trails and hunts can be placed anywhere in the world to help promote businesses, attractions, towns and cities and even whole regions. Users access the trails all in one place – the letsARgo app – meaning each new trail has a built-in local audience to enjoy it.

letsARgo is the perfect solution to encourage visits, boost footfall to local attractions and add an extra special experience to existing sites. Create fun, entertaining, educational and exciting trails and hunts anywhere.

What can I add to my immersive trail?

Immersive trails can be packed with features and functionality that let you tailor immersive experiences to your audience through their smartphone. Just some of the available content types are:

AR characters

AR face filters

360° video

AR portals

Video and images

Special offers

Keep on track with audience insights

Gain valuable audience insights with letsARgo’s
anonymous Insight Dashboard. 

Generate detailed reports of audience numbers. Gain
valuable insights on how people move through the
trail including which locations are the most popular throughout the week.

letsARgo’s Insight Dashboard displays data including:

  • Downloads, monthly stats, daily downloads allowing you to track if marketing increased usage.
  • Launch times and dates, to determine when to push the trail.
  • Popular trail points – is one location is more popular than others, and when?
Business benefits of immersive trails
Boost footfall, manage crowds, promote businesses and more with a bespoke augmented reality trail or hunt in your chosen location. Build any trail from anywhere in the world with letsARgo's custom CMS.
Only pay for the trail
There's nothing extra to pay - letsARgo is an existing system created and managed by experts, so your budget only pays for your trail
Built-in audience
Just like video streaming services, letsARgo keeps all content in one place. When you launch your trail, you'll have a pre-existing audience who know how to use the app
Expert Trail Team
From start to finish, the Trail Team is there to help you build your trail and get the most out of it.
Track KPIs
The letsARgo Insights Dashboard provides data on how your trail is performing.

Find out how AR trails boost footfall.

Get in touch.